A new kind of historical fiction reconsiders one of the most despised leaders of ancient Rome. Was Nero the Antichrist who "fiddled" while Rome burnt, or an artistic genius trapped inside a Caesar? In an age where destiny is encoded in the stars and the code breakers are court astrologers, Nero's secretary battles the prediction that he will murder the musical messiah he promised to protect

An imaginative, ingenious story about a time when astrology exceeded every religion in power and influence.
— Michael Grant, author of Nero: Emperor in Revolt (American Heritage Press)
The Nero Prediction captures very imaginatively an aspect of thinking and planning that conventional scholarship usually ignores. Humphry Knipe has made a contribution to our understanding of the ancient mental landscape
— Miriam Griffin, author of Seneca: a philosopher in politics (Oxford University Press) and Nero: The End of a Dynasty (Yale University Press)

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Neronian Bibliography

Bouche-Leclerque, A. L'Astrologie Greque, (Paris 1899)

Cicero, Marcus Tullius De Fato (On Fate) translated by R.W. Sharples (Aris & Phillips, Warminster, England 1991)

Champlin, Edward Nero (Cambridge Mass. 2003)

Cramer, F.H. Astrology in Greek and Roman Law and Politics, (Philadelphia 1954)

Cumont, Franz Astrology and Religion among the Greeks and the Romans, (New York 1912)

Elsner, Jas and Masters, Jamie Reflections of Nero, (London 1994)

Grant, Michael The World of Rome, (Cleveland and New York 1960) p129-153

Griffin, Miriam Nero: The End of a Dynasty (London 1984)

Grundel, W. "Leo Nine" in Real-Encyclopadie d. klassischen Altertumswissenschaft  12.2 (1925)  column 1989

Ho Peng Yoke "Ancient and Medieval Observations of Comets and Novae in Chinese Sources" Vistas in Astronomy  5, 1962 p127-225

Lindsay, Jack Origins of Astrology, (London 1971)

Maternus, Firmicus Matheseos  translated by Jean Rhys Bram as Ancient Astrology Theory and Practice,  (New Jersey 1975)

McArthur, Harvey K. (ed) In Search of the Historical Jesus,  (New York 1969)

Michael R. Molnar The Star of Bethlehem (New Jersey and London 1999)

Neugebauer, Otto and H.B. Van Hoesen Greek Horoscopes, (Philadelphia 1959)

Noonan, George Classical Scientific Astrology, (Tempe AZ 1984)

Ottwell, Guy and Fred Schaaf Mankind's Comet,  (Greenville, S.C. 1985)

Ptolemy  Tetrabiblios,  (Cambridge, Mass. 1940)

Reece, B.W. "The date of Nero's Death" American Journal of Philology  90 (1969) p72-74

Renan, Ernest Antichrist,  (Boston 1903)

Rogers, Robert S. "The Neronian Comets" Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 84 (1953) p237-249

Sambursky, S. Physics of the Stoics,  (London 1959)

Seneca, Questiones Naturalis,  translated by John Clarke as Physical Science in the time of Nero,  (London 1910)

Vermaseren, M.J. Mithras, the Secret God,  (London 1963)